The sole purpose of this blog is to let you, the reader, know what is happening in the life of the Student Ministries here at Grace Presbyterian. I will be posting about upcoming events and activities as well as updates of how those things went. I am sure there will be other random thoughts and questions thrown in here as well. ENJOY

Friday, June 28, 2013

"This is my blog - not yours"

This is Priscilla's blog post for Thursday, June 27  “This is my blog – not yours” (transcribed by Curt Equi)

I think today was the funnest day so far because we went to work on the bathroom today and I got to try 5 different new tools that I never tried before: the recipe say, the circle saw, but I just called everything the chainsaw.

It was fun talking to Timmy, who is Timmy Stewart.  He is the funniest man ever.  He calls me missy prissy.  He’s the guy who works for WVMAW and he’s funny and giving and lovable, he’s a lovable teddy bear but I wouldn't hug him because he’s always sweaty and busy. 

The other day he gave me a lecture about something.  It was a lecture about how to hold the pushy saw (ed. note – it was a drill).  That I have to push with all of my body weight because my body weight isn't enough.   And he told me I have to stop because I ‘m very pushy but I get things done. 

He told us we’re funny gals because we got muck on our faces.  And he blamed us for cutting his finger.  He came up to us and put it up to our faces and I was like eew..

And the best part was we talked to Betty (the homeowner), and she said “I want to adopt you three.” 

And then today, this morning, I walk in, and she’s like come in my granddaughters.  And her granddaughter was here.  And she asked her “How old do you think she is” and her granddaughter said 12.  And she asked me how old do you think my granddaughter is, and I said 19, and she said nope, and she said 16, and she said it was because of the tattoo and she if she were my daughter and you had that hair and that tattoo she’d be out of my house.

Oh the baby.  Alex is holding a baby, and Alex is sitting on the porch, and the baby is googy gagging Alex, and I’m like Alex loves baby.  And she’s like, here hold her maw-maw.  She kept rubbing Joel’s beard, but that’s beside the point.  She’ll be 7 mos on July 3rd.  And then she’s like hold her.  And Alex is holding her.   And I’m like oooh baby.  And I said can I hold the baby.  And I’m bouncing the baby up and down on my knee.  And then Joel came and the baby loved Joel.

(Aside – as we’re writing this, Priscilla told Joel that he was the third sassiest man that she knows.   The first and second are Spanish men.)

After the baby disappeared with Betty, and then we talked to Samantha (the granddaughter.)  So we were sitting on the porch for about three minutes.  It was me Sondra and Alex and Samantha the granddaughter.  And we said, Do you think any of the boys here are attractive.  And she asked the question back to us – who do you think I was attractive.  And I said ##### (don’t put that was in the blog – that would be awkward)  And she said, I think the muscular one, I think she said that, was the hottest one and but the younger one thought the one with the spiky hair was the hottest one.

So then after that we switched the topic and we started talking about what she likes to do when she comes to see Maw-Maw (that’s Betty).  And she’s like, around here, theres not much to do but I do go fishing ,but that’s boring, and hunting, but that’s stupid, but she does like to shoot guns, and she likes to hang around with three girls around here.  And then we switched the topic to Ohio, and (Alex is taking over now) and said, I think I’ve been to Ohio once, is that next to Wyoming?  And  then she said I meant Wisconsin…. I get my W’s mixed up.  And Samantha was just like, Huh?  And Priscilla said I have no idea how I made it to Senior Year, but I made it.

(Back to Priscilla).  This is my blog… not yours. 

Overall this week has been very fulfilling for me.  I learned that this can impact my life and I can impact others.  And that I can help other people, and I like the ability to impact others lives while they are impacting mine, and the opportunity to work.  So the week was very fun.  Very tiring but very good.

And this is my partner in crime.  Alex is my partner in crime. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys are having an incredible week! I have kept you in my daily prayers and will do so again on this your final workday. I will also be praying for safe travels as you come back home tomorrow! You are missed, and loved! Take care. Jim Bielefeldt
