The sole purpose of this blog is to let you, the reader, know what is happening in the life of the Student Ministries here at Grace Presbyterian. I will be posting about upcoming events and activities as well as updates of how those things went. I am sure there will be other random thoughts and questions thrown in here as well. ENJOY

Saturday, June 30, 2012

HS Mission Trip Day 5 - LOVE

This has been an incredible week!  Thank you all so much for your prayers and support while were serving this week.  I am thankful that God blessed us with his protection this week and that everyone made it through the week with only a couple of cuts and bruises.  Today we were actually able to finish all of the projects that we set out to do.  We put on a new metal roof, installed a new bedroom window, hung new drywall in the ceiling of the kitchen (a job we were not planning on doing), installed a new bedroom floor, replaced the skirting around the side and back of the house, but I truly believe the most important thing that we did this week was share our lives and the love of Jesus Christ with Ernie and Linda and they also shared their lives with us.  It brings me joy to see God working in the lives of our students and He was at work this entire week!  When our work day was coming to close today we had an emotional goodbye with Ernie and Linda, it was one of those moments that our students will hold close to their hearts for years to come.

I am excited to see what God has planned for our all of our students when we return home and continue to share God’s love with our families, friends, and even people that we have not even meet yet.  We have an incredible group of students at Grace and I know that God is going to be using them in some incredible ways over the next couple of years and I feel blessed to be a part of it all.

Here are some pictures of our last day.  Please be sure to ask everyone who came on the trip to share their experiences with you!

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