The sole purpose of this blog is to let you, the reader, know what is happening in the life of the Student Ministries here at Grace Presbyterian. I will be posting about upcoming events and activities as well as updates of how those things went. I am sure there will be other random thoughts and questions thrown in here as well. ENJOY

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Jonah Devo - Day 5

Thursday, July 21, 2011 – Day 5

*Read Jonah 3:4-10 – Action Items

In verse four, Jonah begins to go into the city. We know from verse 3 that it would take three days to get through the city, but after only one day of proclaiming God’s message it spread through the whole city, even to the king. He had one simple message, “Yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown” (v.4). Jonah didn’t have to give a forty minute sermon over and over again throughout Nineveh; too often we over think and analyze the work that God has planned for us. There will be times when His work will look hard, but He will make it easy on us. Jesus said, “…my yoke is easy and my burden is light” - Matt 11:30. It is our responsibility to do God’s work, to preach His word, as He has commanded and whoever has ears to hear will hear and will come to God. When we do the simplest things for God or say the simplest things, as Jonah did, and God provides fruit, then the glory is all His.

In verse 5 through 8, we see Nineveh come to repentance. They repented in sackcloth and ashes, by fasting and by turning away from evil. Sackcloth was made from camel or goat fur and was often black. It often covered the whole body, including the head. Ashes were either put on the head or sat on. There is a lot of symbolism here because you would usually only see these actions when people lost a loved one, however here in Jonah the people were mourning their sin. It was also a common practice to fast during a time of mourning because there were so many legalistic rights they had to abide by. Both the mourning and fasting were demonstrations of their remorse.

The last thing mentioned as part of repentance is the turn from evil. They quit doing what did not honor God. When we are in sin, we must mourn that sin in order to get rid of it, to truly repent. To mourn our sin is to show a hearts desire for repentance. If we are not convinced to the point of mourning that our sin is wrong, then we cannot be fully repentant of it.
In verse 9, we find out that they repented because of the possibility that God might decide not to destroy them. Even the Ninevites recognized that a return to God would bring blessing upon them and deliver them from wrath.
There are two things that we learn about God from this passage. First, when we serve Him, we need to do so in humility and according to His strength. This way, as mentioned before, God gets all the glory, not us. Secondly, there is no sin which keeps us from coming to Christ. We never have committed too much sin, or any sin so heinous that God will reject us. As we sin, we must recognize the error of our ways, mourn our sins and repent of them.

1. What did Jonah say to the people of Nineveh? (see Jonah 3:4) And what do you think of the message he gave to them (too long, too short, too harsh?)

2. How did the people of Nineveh respond to Jonah’s words? (see Jonah 3:5)

3. What was the King’s reaction to the message Jonah brought? (see Jonah 3:6-9)

4. Was Jonah successful?

5. In what ways has God shown you compassion? Has it ever happened at a time when you were wandering from God?

6. In what ways have you shown repentance?

Other things to explore..
1) Listen to the Unshackled radio program at which airs dramatic presentation that tell the stories of people who have repented and changed their life’s direction. The recordings are made in Chicago at Pacific Garden Mission.

2) Write up your own story about God’s work in your life (your testimony).

3) Read Joel 2:12-14. How does this passage compare with Jonah 3:6-9?

Take away...
It is not just our hearing of God’s word that pleases him, but our responding to it; God’s always ready to show mercy and compassion to anyone willing to seek him. If we simply proclaim what we know about God, we may be surprised at how many people will listen.

Prayer Starter

Today we're going to focus on a prayer of praise. Praise God for the people He has brought into your life on this trip. Praise him for the things you are learning. Praise him for the work that he is doing in the city of Chicago through CCM and other ministries. Be SPECIFIC… name names! Then just be still and listen for what God is saying to you today.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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