Habits, we all have them and whether we want to admit it or not they are a part of who we are as individuals. One of the underlying parts of my ministry is trying to instill good habits into the lives of the students, parents, and the advisors that are a part of the student ministry. Each letter in the word HABITS represents a different habit that we need to consistently working on so we can continue to grow in our faith with Jesus Christ.
The Habit that I am going to introduce to you today is Bible Memory. Some people have the gift of reading a Bible verse once and then they have it memorized, and those people drive me crazy, however everyone else has to spend time living in Gods word to be able to have it stored in our memory bank. One of the best things about Bible Memory is the time that we get to spend reading God’s Word and meditating on His Scripture.
Each week I am going to post a Bible verse and I am going to challenge you to join me in memorizing that Bible verse. How awesome will it be that in a year we will have 52 verses stored in our memory so that we can call on God’s Word when we need to.
Our first passage comes from Ephesians 4:29 –
“Let no corrupting talk come out of you mouth, but only such as is good for build up, as fits the occasion, that it my give grace to those who hear.”
In a world where it is so easy to fake fun of people, curse, gossip, and hurt other people lets spend time this week reflecting on these words from Paul. My prayer is that as we spend time this week in God’s Word that we will begin to see a change in words that come out of our mouths.
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